If you only have 1 or 2 dimension gate,you can try this deck. Its about lucky though.. you have 3 turn before your all three element card return from field by yugi flip summon card golem sentry or watch out his tribut summon face down card (it must be sphinx) because next turn all your card will be returned. Use cat il to call your dimension gate or magical mallet to make higher probability that dimension gate or cat ill came to your hand.. next step is same with other. Make 100LP, use OZ to piranha an use at lease 1 special summon or tribute summon to make 8000 point. Good luck
Y re welcome..
Its a lucky deck.. if you can get the dimension gate before all your element card returned,95-100% success (that the use of mallet and cat ill card to make your probability high).. The key is dimension gate card.. activated when his flip summon card to active.
Its not about complex or not.. that were card I have .. if I have 3 dimension gate or maybe 3unhapy girl, I ll happy to use that.. lol
And about gravity axe.its not the solusion i think.yugi just come again summon another card tribute like 2 spinx or lv 4golem sentry or magna warrior . and we re done. the solusion is use 3 dimension gate or 3 unhapy girl. and that just solusion if only have 1.