well i get run over even with my fortress and kuribohs.thats the problem.they decide to make a big push and remove backrow and monsters.even if i had 1 on field.there is no real burn deck atm without some really expensive card like winda or invoker thats the fact.
i use it but the problem is they summon 2 more monster on the turn or just fuse it and summon 2 other and bam run me over.i cant hold them with temperance alone.even the traps stops only one.except anubis.rainbow life need a discard and lots of time i cant afford it.even if i survive that turn they finish me next turn.
not to mention lots of times they have backrow removal.so thats why im not using traps like wall of d anymore.they fkn remove it every fkn time or 1 time not out of 100.totally not worth it.
at least the floodgate stops the monster which has br removal.still vulnerable to cosmic but better than vulnerable to all.plus i cant put all monsters in my deck.its not working out well.tried a version but lady bug bricked along with mithras.(it had few traps)