
Hyper Psychic Blaster | Deck and Rulings

Do ALL the non tuners have to be psychic?
Yes, all of the non-Tuners have to be Psychic.
<< Anonymous
Hmm, looks like that one comment after mine was deleted lol
<< Anonymous
Yes, most of the times they deleted dumb comments who don't answer any question.

If someone says: Could you tell me what time is it? then you tell him/her the time. You simply don't answer something like: I'm hungry and I like green horses.

This of course, means, they delete comments made by mentally challenged people.
<< Anonymous
I couldn't agree more with what has been said about the people who use this comment section. There are too many useless out-of-context comments made by very dumb people.
<< Anonymous(jj)
the two comments above me were written by gamea mods to make a point
<< Anonymous
So, someone who ask a question with an obvious answer isn't dumb for you?
<< Anonymous
"the two comments above me were written by gamea mods to make a point"
Gamea mods have a symbol next to their username you moron. Also if they were mods they would have said "we" not "they" when referring to what the mods would do.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous.)
*icon instead of symbol.
They want you feel 2008 of teledad format
<< Anonymous(HHH)
I agree with what's been said about comments that get deleted. Out of context comments are just... dumb enough that they make you cringe and you start questioning yourself if mankind has any hope of become an evolving race lol
non-Tuners have to be Psychic.

It's not very difficult to answer like that without behaving like a 🔥ed ape in need of fighting.


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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