
Yami Marik event : Unleash the Egyptian God Card! [Apr 2018]

So no normal Marik yet.
Sadly, no. Judging from the announcements for December and early January, he is not coming. I guess that Yami Marik killed him.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
I wonder how are they suppose to bring him tho. He didnt even duel once neither in the anime nor in manga. Nobody really even knows what kind of deck he uses.
<< Anonymous
I don't think that Konami even wants to bring him at this rate. But if they did, he would probably use gravekeepers.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
No more Gravekeeper's 🔥. We want cards like Vampiric Leech.
<< Anonymous(DEATH)
Lukas and Lloyd
We don't like roaming events, or Gravekeepers. Let's just hope that the event in January is normal Marik.
<< Anonymous(DEATH)
I would also like that card. But until then, I will make due with Vampire Koala.
<< Anonymous(Lukas and Lloyd)
I think I heard on the Reddit page that the Battle City event is two parts long. Maybe the first stage is the pre-finals of the tournament when Yugi dueled all of those Rare Hunters (hence the Arkana unlock), and then maybe you will be on the blimp and will have to duel the eight finalists, with Marik unlockable at the end.
<< Anonymous(DEATH)
What's wrong with Gravekeeper's?
<< Anonymous(Lukas and Lloyd)
You and some may not like the Gravekeeper's but keep in mind that there are a few who do


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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