
Card Trader Inventory [Feb 28]

I had max money for about 3 months now and they added another card already obtainable in the game (and I already have 3). Why can't they add useful cards every month or at least a brand new card? Gold is the most useless thing in this game, they could at least let people use them for buying skills instead of adding another currency which is not farmable like skill coins.
Totally agree, Card trader right now is useless and wasted feature.
Kiteroid and maybe the aromage cards are the only useful cards from the inventory. Its so sad. They will never gave us good cards from trader, cause konami is a greediest bastard company i ever seen.
I'm also disappointed.
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
No, you're LeodredAQW
<< Anonymous
They should let us use the stupid gold to buy rare jewels so we can at least upgrade the useless card traders cards to glossy or prismatic. Buying skill chips with gold, as mentioned, is also a good idea. Casual duels atm is a useless feature full of bots farming for skills. I miss old days when you could use some fun decks in Casual duels and have some fun...


Comments (updated every hour)

322-228-550 No worries. Even if know I'm winning, I'll still overextend for you.
Dragunity Synchro deck recipe and ruling
Brigadiatechremikeable We’re actually scammers
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