
Upcoming events/updates [March]

I hope the Tea event is a sign that they are going to continue to build on fairies with future boxes.
If Superb Tea doesn't drop The Sanctum of Parshath, then I hope the next box will have it.
<< Anonymous
Or an even better idea: give Tea her own Structure Deck that has the card.
<< Anonymous
A great idea!
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Another good idea to improve Fairy decks would be Archlord Kristya to act as the big beater, but I feel like they're saving Kristya for Kotori once we get Zexal world. Her VA in Japanese version anime runs Kristya.
<< Anonymous
Kotori practically has no deck, her only notable card is Fairy Cheer Girl. So I can see them giving Kotori her VA's deck instead. They already did it once in another Yugioh game, after all.
<< Anonymous
Kotori use 🔥ous angel deck in tagforce arc-v special. Since Duel Links grab lots of elements from tagforce, they'll give her angel deck once she unlockable.


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322-228-550 No worries. Even if know I'm winning, I'll still overextend for you.
Dragunity Synchro deck recipe and ruling
Brigadiatechremikeable We’re actually scammers
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