
How to beat/farm Jesse Lvl 50

There's a lv. 50 Jesse!? I've dueled him at lv. 40 at the gate like a million times now and I've never seen him in duel world, only Zane. Is it random, or do I have to do something else?
I believe he replaced Zane. Either way, he shows up every x amount of points. Level 50's only been in the game for like 3 hours, so it's not that surprising you haven't seen him.
<< Anonymous
Replaced Zane!? Nooo! XD But putting that aside, he sounds like a lv. 50 edition that gets added on a certain date of an event, kind of like Yami Marik. Thanks for explaining!
<< Anonymous
No, it's possible to have both Lv50 Jesse and Lv40 Zane at the same time. It happened to me.

I had Lv30 Jesse and Lv40 Zane, beat the Lv30 Jesse, and the Lv50 Jesse shows up while the Lv40 Zane remains there.
<< Anonymous
Oh, good. I like dueling Zane because he's one of the tougher LDs and good to practice with. And since I have no idea how long it will take for him to get to the gate, I'm trying to take advantage of this while I can.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
You dont have to beat lv 40 jesse( spawned in gx and i lost) to get to duel with lv 50 jesse.


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