
Yu-Gi-Oh GX Duel Links

STOP THE HYPE: Its not possible to gain gems from dueling against legendary duelists on gates anymore. this is the patch which flips the game from f2p to p2w.
You can still get gems, but it looks like they've been reduced. I only got 5 from getting a skill I already had instead of 15.
Dude, since i made 4 KoG decks and i climb KoG lol i started leveling up to lv30 all characters and i got A LOT of gems!
Actually i have 9.5k (and at least half of them still under lv30). Just use 1.5x Exp campaing to get gems. Its around 3 days fighting with SD 3-4 times at day or using orbs its even faster.
Just play harder haha I need to say, i have a job and i dont play all day :P
I just got a rainbow chest with 450 gold!?!?
Kinda sucks, but LD drops were such a minor way to get gems anyway. This update gave us a TON more gems. It’s far from P2W.
You are getting almost 2k gems on this update and yet you are complaining? This is the best update ever and if you don't like it just uninstall and cya.
My dude i just been saving gems i got like 3.9k gems. Manage ur gems and ur good
I didn't notice this yet but indeed this is going to be a big problem for some of us. When we have all duelists lvled up there will be no gems to be gained anymore, and that with a monthly new box and massive power creep will make this game harder to play for real grinders/veteran players like me.
<< Anonymous
Yes these guys are content with a little gems they give them. Are they stupid or what?
<< Anonymous
Gosh now they include pathetic 400 gold for rainbow box.
I think the reward from LD in this patch is good not much different from last patch, sometimes i got rainbow chest with 7000-7500
<< Anonymous
Duel against LD is still giving 10 gems in GX world, if you manage to get at least 8000 duel assessment


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