Deck- 2 merciful machine angel 1 dakini 1 idaten 3 benten 3 izana 2 senju 1 machine angel ritual 3 sprite's blessing 3 machine absolute ritual last card ? I would have liked to include 1 more senju, but I only have two and I don't even have gishki chain. What is a good substitute, crystal seer, sphere kuriboh, sonic bird? Or something else?
A good substitute is another deck! Cyber Angels got too power crept in the current meta, and with 3 cards in the banlist, it's simply not worthy IMO, not to mention it's a ritual-based deck, which is a pretty lame engine. It breaks my heart to say that, as I really like the deck, but it's simply the truth. Nonetheless, if ur not listening anyway, some ppl are using neos fusion with CA
Thank you. (And that other person who gave advice idk why their reply got deleted) I mostly agree with you. I got excited when I saw some CA decks on duellinks meta, but before I got a chance to pvp again , it looks like another deck is already here. XD I don't duel for kog, just playing around really. I switched this deck up a little since I made that post tho.