
Sacred Arch-Airknight Parshath

Still rely on counter traps, which is bricky. I guess you need 3 Providence or Dark Bribe because it’s your best counter trap now. No, I don’t like Divine Punishment because it requires a Field Spell which further bricks your deck.
Umm, said field spell is not only searchable, but also, in the same box, there's Sanctum of Parshath, a Continuous Spell with great effect that also treat itself as Sanctuary in the Sky.
<< Anonymous
It only counts as sanctuary on the field or in the grave, so it isn't searchable. You'd be better of sticking with regular Sanctuary.
<< Anonymous
Sacred Arch-Airknight can search Sanctum because it has "Parshath" in the name. He can also search Rebirth of Parshath, which is admittedly not as good.
its not bricky if you actually use search cards and focus on drawing
<< Anonymous
Hence why Bountiful Artemis is so good in the deck
"Zeradias, Herald of Heaven" says hi
<< Anonymous
Bountiful Artemis OR just a plain old Skelengal works
<< Anonymous

Ehhh Skelengal only is an option if you really don’t have enough copies of the other good counter fairies available to you as filler
<< Anonymous
nah i find skelengal more useful than the other counter fairies. counter fairies abilities are too situational to activate so i just focus on drawing the right cards instead to summon parshath


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Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
There are alot of cards that are still not in duel links that should be. And there should be a no...
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