
KC GT Tournament 2021

I am playing this game for 1500 days. I have almost all cards. But this game has been killed by konami two years ago with fur hire deck. Everybody uses same deck. I think all cards limit must be one.
But then you couldn't build a deck anymore.
And it just keeps getting worse so be prepared

But it could still go two ways.

First, the deck would be more diverse. Since each cards can only be used at one copy, people would use their own and personal tech to complete their deck.

But also, second, people would use the same exact staples in their deck. So in other words, everybody would still use the same deck.
You cannot build a deck with one single card! You need at least 20 cards. Your idea makes no sense at all!
<< Anonymous
Yea, what he meant was build deck with 20 single different cards. No 2 or 3 copies allowed.
<< Anonymous
spectralsword, spectralsword shade, squire, solitaire, samurai, gozuki, samurai skull

ghost meets girl, vortex

Canadia, floodgate, Raigeki, ballista, karma cut, bad aim, void trap hole, fiendish, drowning, wall of d, providence

You know the syncros

The same backrow meta as always
<< Anonymous
Think. Konami will Change the limit system. All cards must have limit itself. Example: 1 wall of destruction 1 mirror wall 1 any card etc. You get it?
So we're talking like a highlander format? It would certainly be interesting, but what would actually happen with Komoney is everything gets hit except Heart of the Credit Card.
<< Anonymous
I can sell my account if you trust me and I trust you. Before I was a student but now I am a lawyer so Im busy. I can talk a person who interested in my suggestion or I can wait forever no problem.
<< Anonymous(E.G.)
I'm interested, but I don't want to make the deal here, post it on epicnpc (it's free) and we can talk there, I can wait if you don't have time now
<< Anonymous(E.G.)
Don't buy or sell accounts. It's against the terms of use and the account might get banned. You've been warned!
<< Anonymous
I know a loophole in the this law
<< Anonymous(E.G.)
what is the loophole?
<< Anonymous
they can't ban you if they don't know
<< Anonymous
They don't ban you, I've sold several accounts in ebay before and never got a complaint about an account getting banned not even with region changes, I'm american and I have sold accounts to people from philippines, australia, portugal, etc
<< Anonymous
If I wanted to sell accounts, I would say the same XD
<< Anonymous
It is true you can check yourself just type duel links account on ebay and check how none of the sellers has a single negative comment
People won't need to reset boxes if everything is limited to one. Konami won't do it due to income.
I really hate to see, harpies, blue eyes, thunder dragons, book of moon, karma cut, forbidden lance etc. All The backrows are same
<< Anonymous
"I really hate to see, harpies, blue eyes, thunder dragons, book of moon, ....."

Try playing with your eyes closed. You will not see them.
all cards limit to one is kinda impossible to happen because some cards needs multiple copies to even WORK

like Infernity Beetle for example, which summons copies of itself
<< Anonymous
If you want diversity then don't play yugioh
<< Anonymous
No, I don't want diversity, I just want more broken cards to be banned.
<< Anonymous
if this game was more balanced then ten times more decks would be playable.

Like Thousand dragon deck, Gagigo deck, Gate Guardian deck, etc...
<< Anonymous
Good to see meme decks instead of those turn 2 OTK like Lunalight, Hero, Blackwing, Thunder Dragon, Cydra, TG, Onomat everywhere. These decks should just go first and lose.
<< Anonymous
Marvel-Disney fan
You say that only because you are jealous of our money!

Start buying more cards and you will see how good they are.


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