stop saying this cards need limiting honestly...when you had mirror wall months back, way before wall of d was thought of you would win as soon as the enemy summon a big monster, you mirror wall it and then they rage quit....people get wall of d and now its op because it more f2p if this gets limited mirror wall gets limited first, period. thats fair, simple.... mirror wall stops all oppenents from attacking to, hell so stop π₯ing about wall of d yall just π₯ because you getting a feel of how we used to lose to mirro wall. lol are you mad, now? GOOD us wall of d players PRAISE KONAMI. MWAH TO YOU MIRROR WALL FANBOYS. NOW PLEASE, RAGE AT ME.. TELL ME HOW YOU GET CUCKED BY WALL OF D, AND REMEBER HOW YOU USED TO DO THE SAME WITH MIRROR WALL.
lol right, i remeber how people used to say the box was trash, those same people (mirror wall players) are no hoping it gets limited...funny us f2p wall of d players told you wall of d isnt trash...yet you waste your gems. Smh now its op right? well get yourself one you already p2w its nothing but money to you.. stop crying and get one, or get cucked. noob
I've never been able to get either a Mirror Wall or Wall of Disruption... It sucks going into a ranked duel and knowing that I'm just going to get trashed by stupid π₯ like this.
Naturally ranking up gives you gems, though, so the rich will just keep getting richer while I still will not be able to get these cards...
at least change the card to UR. π₯s broken. mirror wall allows the same thing but it doesnt π₯ up all of your monsters just 1. this card just completely π₯s you.
No, all cards in a box has equal chance to get, sometimes you get an UR on the first 10 packs, sometimes you don't. This is a gacha game, but you guaranteed to get what you want. It's all just depends on RNG.
no its not dude. search it the π₯ up. if the way youre saying it was true, i would be able to get mirror wall easily if i just kept buying and resetting the box. but its not like that is it??? no you dumbass, i have to buy the entire pack to get 1 mirror wall. use your damn brain.
"and now its op because it more f2p friendly" < no, dumbass, it's OP because its effect lasts for the rest of the duel without the player paying a single life point for it.