Trunade ban is to ki11 every single OTK deck that abuse it. Traps are unfair and people can set 3 to pass turn 1? You can also set 3 and pass your turn 2 as well. Don't bullsht there just because you refuse to play traps.
Trunade is unfair and people can remove your set 3 pass turn 2? You can also use trunade and remove set 3 boards turn 2. Don't bullsht there just because you refuse to trunade.
No, there is no turn 3 for you after my opponent activate this can cer on turn 2. There is simply no next turn. Finally Komoney remove this can cer. Keep crying sore loser, there will be no more Trunade after 6 days. You will suffer if you refuse to play traps. Just uninstall the game already if you cannot accept a Trunade ban.
Both player set 3 and pass turn 1 & 2 is a lot fairer than a Trunade turn 2 without any turn 3. Fcking human, I don't play to get beaten on turn 2. Get lost Trunade.