Not true. Berserk Gorilla and Voltic Kong could be great beaters for a beast deck. Battleguard Rage could be a power boost for a warrior deck (with a niche function/drawback). And... err... well, those 3 cards are probably good for something, at least.
You dont know what is unga bunga, dont you? What you've just explain is the definition of unga bunga. atk boost, atk boost, and atk boost all the time with no real synergy
That's what my auto-deck is! Except it's basically all dark monsters so I can use Mystic Plasma Zone! Also a LOT of 1900 attack monsters are 🔥ing Dark anyways
used something like that too. 1800+ fiend with the archfiend field spell(the one from paradox) and a few staple spell and traps. added 2 terrorking archfiend too.