Please fix this skill. Its almost impossible to make a properly working Destiny Board deck. 2000 or under LP and having Dark Necrofear in the graveyard is almost impossible without reaching 0 LP. Also, its hard to even get the cards needed to make this automatic win happen.
Its not really that hard as long as you have 2 necrofear, you can throw a necrofear into the graveyard with fiend farewell or the other one that let's you send a fiend the graveyard and u can use mirror wall and pay the 2000 points and you get protection for another turn
Mausoleum of the emperor and invader of darkness is enough to activate the skill. Use doomdog to get necrofear in hand and trench archfiend to discard it. Or use traps like limit impulse and diens griefing to discard. Throw in an econ to tribute necrofear if its on your field. Maybe combo invader with angel 07.