
How to beat/farm Elegant Mai Lvl40

So, here is my Aromage-Vassal farm deck. 99% winrate against lvl 30-40 Mai. I just put Vassal and his farming things in the simple Aroma deck. Easy to win but you need to be careful about some things. How to play: - summon Jasmine as soon as you can for draw power, so Mai cant deckout herself. - hold 2(!) monster on your field - dont forget to use Aroma Garden before you end your turn, so Mai weak monsters cant beat your boosted monsters - you dont need to attack her monsters, just if she summon a stronger one - when you are approaching to the end: tribute Jasmine, and hold 2 Bergamot or 1 Bergamot and 1 Rosemary on the field - on your last turn: use Secret Pass before activate Aroma Garden! Its very important, because you cant use Secret Pass if Vassal has boosted ATK. (you can use more Garden in one turn if you want it) In fact there are only a few harder situation: - start with bad hand (so with Vassal, secret pass, 2 aroma garden, etc) - before the end, you have 3 monster on the field. Try to avoid this, but if this happened -> put Rosemary to defense position or Jasmine to attack and hope she will attack them. +1 Once it happened to me. I only had 1 card in my deck, but sadly i let Jasmine on the field, then Mai killed my Rosemary, and because of this my Aroma Garden activated, i got 1k LP, but because of this, my Jasmine effect activated, so i draw 1 card. And when my turn started, i had no card in my deck, so i lost. :)
i dont have D.shield can other ?
<< Anonymous
You dont really need it. I just put it in for extra protection, but I dont even remember using it. You can skip it.
do a video or something plz !
5 tries already and no luck thus far. Going to attempt with restart instead.
<< Anonymous
Im guessing you can add any kind of lp-gain. Supremacy Berry comes to mind, since it can allow you to use it for a comeback victory in certain situations as well
Pretty good. But a safer more consistent deck would be to add in two typhoon (SR) and remove 1 union 1 lover
How do you get 99% win rate out of this? I lose mostly because I don't get aroma garden soon enough or Mai decks out because I can't draw Jasmine soon.
As somebody noticed too, it looks like Mai was updated.
Today my winrate against the lvl 40 one is lowered, but against the lvl 30 is still 99%.
The lvl 40 Mai always summon 2 monsters in her first turn, and i always start with terrible hand... so annoying. But if you start with good hand, you will win.

Ps.: sorry, but i cant make video
<< Anonymous(Daniel)
You can't exactly claim it has a 99% win rate without trying it 100 times at least... Even for lvl 30 the win rate is still inconsistent because she constantly tributes monsters and summons from her deck with her field spell. Without Jasmine, she still outdraws you. Without Bergamot or Aroma Garden + either Bergamot or Rosemary you get overpowered.There's still too many factors that allow defeat.
<< Anonymous(Tobi)
Thats true, but i never(!) lost against the lvl 30 Mai!
Sadly the lvl 40 one is much harder, but if i got good hand, i won.
Anyway, nobody is obliged to use it, but I just wanted to share what deck works for me.
<< Anonymous(Daniel)
I use Aromage deck too to farm her.

And yes, the only issue is that if you don't get Aroma Garden + Jasmine fast enough, say goodbye to your winning chance.


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