I know what an effect mean but this is nonsense. Even if you summon another BEWD "AFTER" you active Burst Stream, You "STILL CANNOT" attack. It seem broken and they have to fix this.....I guess?
Yknow for having the ability to DESTROY ALL your opponents monsters mAybe you shouldn't be such a whiney entitled 🔥 because u can't attack with blue eyes. Summon kuriboh u 🔥 and and attack.
i dont think u know what entitled means. just because you like yugioh and you see a dumb comment doesnt mean the dumb person is automatically entitled. go look up the word. u duel links players just have an obsession with the word "entitled" and try to force it into everything lul
Its worse than that, when I activate this card I don't even get the option to go to the battle phase, even though I have monsters other than BEWD on the field