How can you possibly lose so many times? All 27lvl duelists are easy. Circus trick needs two monsters - one always attacking second in defense position. I beat them easily with my ritual deck. Brutality you use de-spell and your usual buffs. They are easier than they look. There are two ways to go about duelists:
1.Increase your deck's strength.
2.Disable the strength of your opponent.
Except for tragedy...
That completely negates what you are on about with one in defense and one in attack position. I doubt you've even played against the deck.
There were some weakness of Circus Trick:
- They don’t have tribute monsters
- They don’t have spell/trap card negate/destroy
- They just destroy your monsters, not their own
My solve:
I use these cards:
- Lava Golem
- Wall of Disruption
- Draining Shield
- Massivemorph
- Straight Flush
- Jar of Avarice
- Cup of Ace
- Solemn Wishes
- Enemy Controller
Or just wait until we get Jinzo (which should be soon).
Lv27 SD Decks like Circus Trick, It's All Traps, and Reverse Trap, completely relies on their Trap card to function (Labyrinth of Nightmare in Circus Trick's case). Jinzo easily and completely stop those Traps, and make those decks crumble apart.
Jinzo just negate trap’s effect, nor monsters’ effect, if you have Angel07(negate monsters’ effect) and Jinzo(negate trap’s effect) in the field, problem solved, but both of them need 2 tribute monsters. So i choose the simplier solve
If you can manage to summon Quintet magician it negates the entire deck as it destroys all cards on the field when summoned. Then hit him for 4500 points of damage.