Why do you have only 1 Master when the guy isn't rare?
It depends on your play style, with 3 sages you can run out of BE to summon from deck. If that is the case Ancient won't be useful any more. If you don't lack BE to summon from deck then it could be worth it.
im only using one master since it's searchable and could brick the first hand, i'm using 2x BE and 2x white dragon, also im lacking cards of consonance for drawing but replaced them with magical mallet for a chance to return any blue eyes to the deck
6 blue eyes? You just increase the chance to be bricked more often.
Just increase the generic trap. Divine wrath or raigeki break would help you more in controlling the field
Unless they give you trade-in, don't put too much blue eyes on 20 card format. Just by calculating the change of you getting several blue eyes on starting hand is already scary