Considering how versatile they are when compared to the regular HERO fusions, I'm not surprised. If you had all 5 OMNI-HEROES in the extra deck and have blazeman and another HERO monster you're pretty much guaranteed a fusion monster. That's a lot better than regular HEROES
There are 6 non-DIVINE Attributes... Three of which have corresponding Omni-HEROes in Duel Links at the moment.
Also, really, that kind of Extra Deck would suck. You'd be better off focusing on one HERO fusion and using the rest of the space on other cards that can work alongside it. Particularly given most of the omni-heroes are fairly weak.
"all 5" implies a complete set, not as many as possible. If you had said it the other way around, like if all 5 of your Extra Deck slots were Omni-HEROes, it would have worked, but you did not.