
King of Games decks [December 2017]

Yeahhh pretty sick of getting spammed by UR's like wall of disruption 3 times a duel and 🔥 like that. All these play to win pussies... Like is there no custom decks in KOG status? Jesus all I see are cheap 🔥 decks. Strategy need not apply. Not to mention the cheap 🔥 players that 🔥 around with the game, I'll be up in a duel or close in LP's and magically I lose..due to an error. Please ban people who do this
Wall of disruption is not an UR, it is SR.

I agree though, you can expect to see 3 copies of each OP cards in almost every deck. Combined with the fact that most players use 20 cards means that at least half of every deck is staple cards.
It's either you stay in silver and play for fun or Platinum/ KoG and play hard to win. Do you rise up in ranked hoping to get rekt' by everyone?
Less complain please.
<< Anonymous
Disclaimer: I stay in gold so I can play for fun. Gemini, fire princess, gandora, Worm, etc; play whatever I like not minding about losing. It's your choice
<< Anonymous
You can play with that style in Platinum too. I do, so that at the end of season I'll go back to Gold 1. The problem actually lies on 3 copies of everything which you'd never find in the TV show
<< Anonymous
I tried to play with funnier decks in Casual... But even Casual is full of Tier 1 decks or OP spell / traps.
<< Anonymous
Lol actually not really.. I love building decks. All kinds of character specific decks for every characters. And I'll test out my decks in casual duel. Most of time my meme decks win lol.. because as I said, ranked game = play to win. Casual = play for fun
<< Anonymous(SmartASS)
Too bad that to get 100 wins UR ticket, you need wins from ranked..
Unfortunately the problem is that the ranked duel rewards include unique cards. Switched from my creative fun decks to ancient gear so I can rank up 30 or 60 wins to get my hands on SR tickets
<< Anonymous
I have quite a few staples in my collection, but rarely use lots of them. Now I'm having a blast on Legend with my Anti-Meta 3SD Horus-Eco deck. It crushes bamboo and CA. You only need 1 UR Horus and 2 level 6, ECons (farmable thanks to Hazy)and I put Eco which is free to take advantage of the bamboo hype. Same Horus box may also get you Floodgate which is awesome.
Let’s get Konami to nerf disruption so u can only carry one a deck same with damaging shield
Wall of distruption isn't a UR card. It's a SR one
<< Anonymous(Ryo)
Damaging Shield is not a big deal... Especially with the coming 3SD nerf.
I was able to become Legend 2 with one copy only deck, but thats it, no more :/


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Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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