"Very specific condition makes this card inconsistent and situational to use." WTF! Any type themed deck could use this. Lv4 to Lv5, anyone? How is it "inconsistent and situational"?
Well... both type and attribute has to match. I thought about using it to summon that lvl 4 dark dragon with 2400 atk, but there is not much option for lvl 3 dark dragons. So it Blue or Red eyes still might be more consistent. And lvl 5 monsters ar not so good either. Maybe it could work in a dark warrior deck for lvl 5s. Or maybe there is a lvl 5 Dark zombie with 2400 atk... maybe that might work
Well I found a useful thing: It is possible to special summon Space-Time Police whit this. Btw And Freed cannot be special summoned, and Wattail is a lvl 6. I like when people who know the least have the bigest mouth. And you bother lvl 3 to 4 cause the lvl 4 dragon with 2400 atk can only be special summoned. I found some other cards that let special summon lvl 4 monsters, so the idea is not dead.
* Marmiting Captain (a lvl 3) can Normal Summon, activate effect, either SS or add S/T, then Transmodify into BOXer (lvl 4) for beatdown or Exiled Force (lvl 4) for disruption.
* Any lvl 4 can Transmodify into Freed, the Matchless General (lvl 5).