The restriction on Vijam is very serious. But how dangerous can it still be as stall for deck out even with all restrictions? There are 3 copies of a continuous that removes the danger of its 0 attack/defense, and there are ways to retrieve Vijam if it ends up in the graveyard.
Part of what they're worried about is that Vijam makes it so the monster can't attack or use it effects after it goes to the spell&trap zone.
I doubt stall would have used it too much, though. If it worked with only cubic monsters, they'd have to give up Lava Golem, Kiteroid, Obnoxious Celtic Guard, Swordswoman, Sphere Kuriboh, Green Turtle Summoner, and Invoker engine just to name a few.
Meanwhile, Cosmic, Karma, Fiendish Chain, Galaxy, piercing damage, Raigeki Break, Madam Verre (unless Vijam was facedown), JD, Circle, Navigation (unless Vijam was facedown), Spiritmaster, and so on could still get rid of it easily.
Wow, so many things can beat it. The problem with destroying Vijam by card effect is it can be special summoned or added back to the hand by other Cubic effects, but those cards are so strong they can simply OTK an Aigami without backrow that is the case in this deck. This proves the typical battle focused deck really needs to step up.
And also SSA is an instant loss for this restricted deck. Really, any deck needs both backrow removal and ways to negate monster effects. I tend to have only the former... so hard to find space.
There are a few ways to recycle Vijam, but they’re few and far between for worthwhile currently. Yes, Dharma can get back Vijam, but the main two typically are Buster Gundil and Indoria. Dark Garnex and Blade Garoodia specifically require destroying a monster by battle, which is easier said than done since Garnex only has 1000 ATK and battle traps, E-Con and WL Clash are so common.
The deck out stall players would just ignore the monsters other than Vijam I guess. It's all on Dharma. But it still seems bad for them considering a Warm Worm deck is so much more viable for that BS. They're counting on just Vijam and Dharma in a 23 card deck... yeah I'm not gonna worry about this deck in KC.
Yeah. Warm Worm is far more consistent with cards like Assault on GHQ, Chain Destruction, Glow Moss, and Ghost of a Grudge. I’d be willing to bet the only Cubic deck you could possibly ͏c͏o͏me across would be the gimmicky Guile Burn Deck that uses Dharma, Duza, and Guile in a Lightsworn Engine to burn the opponent in one go. But even then, it’s too inconsistent (1/7 duels) and it’s OTK or bust
Cubic burn is pretty bad, too inconsistent and any single disruption or negation and it's over. I still don't know how to beat Warm Worm decks. Glow Moss I can deal with, it needs to be face up so it's vulnerable to a lot of stuff. Warm Worm I don't see coming until it's too late and in a 20 card deck game it's brutal.
The best way to beat mill deck is to heavily disrupt them. Cards like Hey, Trunade! and Cosmic Cylone become your best support, and should be used to clear out as much as possible before a key summon or attack to prevent cards like Floodgate and WoD from being used. Other big answers for most decks are cards like Ancient Gear, Armades and Star Eater that prevent effects until after the damage step
I always have effects that deal with backrow cards. But stopping a face down monster's effect is harder to carry. But I'll start putting Armades, Star Eater and Destroy Samurai in every deck. Thanks.
Armades and Samurai are definitely the best of the bunch considering they stop things like Sphere Kuriboh and Kiteroid. Armades has the added benefit of, while it's attacking, you can use Cosmic and your opponent can't respond and Samurai can infinitely revive itself. Note that Star Eater is only unaffected while it attacks, so it'll still lose attack if WoD was activated, but not for that battle.
These synchros are just so good. But it's always so annoying when I draw just the weak tuner on my starting hand. No way to know what deck I'll face... so hard to cover all fronts. I'm always worried about all those strong decks so I put searchers and things that thin my deck, and that's where Warm Worm hits. I need more ways to get those big synchros quick.
Your best best would be to just focus on a few of them instead of all of them. If you play Fortune Ladies, Destroyer and Eater are best. Battle-Tuned and swarming decks make best use of Armades and sometimes Destroyer. Cardians can only use Destroyer. Take some time and find out what works best for your deck and consider "how often can I summon {x}?" If you have spare slots, use them to answer.
I tend to choose them based on the levels of my tuners. Other than Cardians mostly decks use tuners from lvls 1 to 3. I can't seem to find a way to get both a tuner and a non tuner guaranteed. I put generic searchers like Sangan and the 1400 crew but Warm Worm decks don't attack so it often results in them being destroyed by man eater bugs and I don't get my synchros soon enough.
Have you considered a psychic synchro deck? You'd have to run through Dimension of the Wizards at least twice to make it feasible, but here's a skeleton. Grows in Grave gives access to Armades and lv 8s
2-3 Psychic Wheelder
3 Psychic Tracker
3 Psychic Commander
2-3 Serene Psychic Witch
0-2 Sangan
2-3 Cosmic Cyclone
0-2 Floodgate/Trunade
3 Wall of Disruption
You may want to invest in two Hyper Psychic Riser. It's ranked duels SR with absolutely brutal effects. And if it does go away, you can grab back a tuner and non-tuner with the same type and attribute, like Wheelder and Tracker
I got one of him thanks to some campaign SR tickets. It really is great against stall. He's there to stop all those stupid Amazoness and Inaba Rabbits from attacking. I never used him before as I never played psychic decks but I'll put him in when I make my first one.