
King of Game decks [May 2021]

I can't understand the massive ban on shiranui. I mean: yes, the needed a stronger ban-list but not in this way. In my modest opinion was better to limite 3 squire and spectral sword, which make an otk combo, than I would have limited to 2 solitaire and sunsaga, to make the deck playable. In alternative the could have also limited 3 squire and solitaire and limited 2 spectral sword and sunsaga.
Too many f2p bums played it, just like lunatrash deck. They totally deserved to be limited because they're degenerate decks.
<< Anonymous
not all f2p are bums so shut ur mouth
So sorry we don't all throw our credit card to play blue-eyes.

The nerf they got was probably a bit overkill, but they don't have the best track record with limiting before the overkill. Case in point, Alister wasn't hit until one year, despite being a tutor for one of the best fusion cards, which was essentially free since you can GY fuse, and being able to be a hand trap akin to Gem Merchant.
<< Anonymous
Go cut your d i c k off a s s hole. You're just scared that we f2p rekt you whales. Whats the matter? Tilted because your money has no use anymore?
<< Anonymous
Even with all the money they throw, P2W can't beat F2P unless Konami bans some cards.


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Why are you gae?
Party on my yacht tomorrow. No poor people allowed. Suck it, losers!
I do. And I have an IQ of -160 V
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