
Cyber Angel deck (Before Oct 2019~)

I know the owners of this deck, who digged for 3 sonic birds and Senjus, passionately want it back But I hope this never ever becomes meta again
We have six sams wich can nemate their summon return them to the hand , a milion decks wich can beat over them : ag, Blue-eyes, metaphys, cy-dark not to mention all the backrow lika canadia and drowning miror force
Didn't get the "hope this never becomes meta again". I can understand that u may have lost to CA in its glory days, but in the current meta we have plenty of archetypes much OP than CA, like Subterrors and Six Sams, so much so that even with Dakini unlimited CA might not catch up with them
<< Anonymous
This deck isn't even top tier anymore XD
<< Anonymous
Still has the legacy of being the only true Tier 0 in the game’s history so far, so it makes sense they’re still hesitant to give back their power cards


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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