If I may ask, what's the use of Autonomous Action Unit? Seems like not a really good card because it cuts your LP by 1500, which is a lot in a 4000 LP format.
I found it worked very well with an early Daedelus.
Most of the meta I played against on the ladder were Yugi/Bandit beatdowns and Dino. So any monster they had was a base of 1500-1750 atk without field buffs.
Once Daedelus blew up the ocean, action unit was a nice finishing jab to deal 4000+ in a single turn. The 1500 didn't really matter in quick games.
In the original TCG we were given powerful graveyard revivals early on (monster reborn, premature burial, call of the haunted).
Action unit is the only card with a similar single-sided graveyard summon we have in the current card pool , but due to it being your opponents graveyard it would be inconsistent if the game wasn't very aggro-focused with the meta.