
Pyramid Turtle | Decks and Tips

Adding this is way too much, it will be the first recruiter in the game and being able to fetch Vampire Lord for free is just too good.
i consider bubonic vermin to be the first recruiter
<< Anonymous
Why isn't he a turtle type? he looks superb. Some day
Boohoo zombies need more support.
Boohoo zombies need more support.
Maybe, maybe not. It's the ultimate searcher for Vampires, but at this point Vampires get trampled by every current meta deck right now: Neos, Red-Eyes, BEWD, Six Samurai, Desperado, Subterror... Hope it makes them relevant again, but at this point it's pretty much wishful thinking.
<< Anonymous
Even as a searcher, it requires your opponent to do something for it do anything
<< Anonymous
forget about vampires, ryu kokki meta
<< Anonymous
I play vampires. I assure you, this card has no spot in my deck. It's not searchable and you already have all monsters in either field, gy or hand by at least turn 3 (except gozuki and skull sam ofc).

Also, even when vamps was tier 1, noone who has mastered it played vampire lord.

It's a searcher, sure, but half of the deck are searchers already. gozuki 3, skull 2, dog 2, bat 2, trap 1 (10)
you can kamikaze pyramid turtle to fast summon a zombie monster


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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