Maybe, maybe not. It's the ultimate searcher for Vampires, but at this point Vampires get trampled by every current meta deck right now: Neos, Red-Eyes, BEWD, Six Samurai, Desperado, Subterror... Hope it makes them relevant again, but at this point it's pretty much wishful thinking.
I play vampires. I assure you, this card has no spot in my deck. It's not searchable and you already have all monsters in either field, gy or hand by at least turn 3 (except gozuki and skull sam ofc).
Also, even when vamps was tier 1, noone who has mastered it played vampire lord.
It's a searcher, sure, but half of the deck are searchers already. gozuki 3, skull 2, dog 2, bat 2, trap 1 (10)