
Top Pick-UR & SR Dream Ticket [Jan 2023]

Real F2P players know they have to take a UR/SR card available only from the structure deck, because they would never buy a second one.
Real F2P only take Structure if they have 2UR and 2 SR, cuz u need 3 copies of cards to build from structure deck
<< Anonymous(Byakuya)
Devrim Evin
I'm also F2P. I usually buy 1 SD with gems, 1 with money, and get the rest from tickets.
<< Anonymous(Devrim Evin)
If u buy one with money u are not considered a real F2P
<< Anonymous(Byakuya)
Devrim Evin
It's my dad's money. So technically I didn't spend any money.
<< Anonymous(Devrim Evin)
Looool yeaah absolutely Right, the important is to enjoy the game
im real f2p still i choose not structure deck cards as i come to the conclusion most are not worth it and other picks can be better as its really costy in gems.
<< Anonymous
plus op was right,most of the time u need to use multiple tickets to get a sr deck working.
<< Anonymous
op equals first answerer
<< Anonymous
Structure deck cards isn't worth it at all. It will only cost you a few bucks. You should only pick a main box UR like Floodgate, Divine Wrath, Sphere Kuriboh. Never think that it is easy to get them easily. There are 200 packs in a box and only 1 single Floodgate in it. If you are unlucky you will really need to pull until the last few packs before you get it.


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Why don't you say something? Are you dead too?
It pisses me off when I check out deck recipes for a specific archetype on this site, and they�...
Never mind just tested it out myself and it is after the attack reduction.
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