
King of Game decks [May 2021]

I think there is a new way to cheat, like some kc cup ago, today I faced a player with 90 wins in a row playing a super bad deck. Reported to Konami.
it's not new "connection fail" cheat has being in the game since the begin the only fix konami did was give you a win. But the opponents still get no lose so they keep using it for easy KoG. There isn't even a ban to them since they couldn't be detected by Konami afaik.
Can we see your replay or screenshot?
it doesn't mean he/she got 90 win streak with that same bad deck.
<< Anonymous
I saved the replay but it doesn't show the number of victories!
<< Anonymous
It is useless to track hacker and banned them.

Today 50 000 hacker accounts banned

Tomorrow there is 50 000 new players in duel links

Tell me !! what is the point track them anyway ?
<< Anonymous
Is it 90 winstreak?
<< Anonymous
Holy sh, the best I have done was 45 win streak without cheating.
<< Anonymous
Why people flexing on winstreak? Its not like this game rewards you for not losing consecutively.
<< Anonymous
"Why people flexing on winstreak? Its not like this game rewards you for not losing consecutively."
Because they have nothing else to brag about.
when he got 2 me it was like 245 win streak(friday) playing a farm deck... he quit on the first turn
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
You just save the replay and post it on youtube or reddit so Konami would ban him.
<< Anonymous
There is no way on earth a player could have 245 win streak even in bronzer without cheating,
<< Anonymous
Maybe that player was playing on Mars, or Venus?
<< Anonymous
if they could play duel link on Mar or Venus they derserve that win count.


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Why are you gae?
Party on my yacht tomorrow. No poor people allowed. Suck it, losers!
I do. And I have an IQ of -160 V
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