Calm down they are still adding content from the original series. For example Bonz next month and there are plenty of character voices at the title screen like Noah and Grandma that have yet to be added.
Dude the first two seasons of GX were freaking awful. Reason? SO. MUCH. FILLER. And it wasn't cleverly disguised filler like in Duel Monsters, where they made it an interesting arc, but it was just "Ha! Dueling Monkey! Jinzo spirit summoning! Random stuff!" I will confess that season 3 was awesome, and Sartorious made a great villain for season 2, otherwise it's not as good as Duel Monsters. BUT
I wouldn't mind GX being added AFTER the characters from Duel Monsters. Since Duel Monsters came first, it ought to have its characters added first. I won't be traumatized if they add GX in the new update, I'd just prefer they save it until after they add the Duel Monsters characters.
Why does anyone here even give a 🔥? I mean really? Go. Nobodies gonna miss you I really don't know who you're 'threatening' there but nobody gives a 🔥 about you tbh