
Call of the Mummy | Decks and Tips

Just realised it's not limited to a level, so I could also special summon a 5 or more Star monster. BROKEN
Gem Hunter
It's not broken.

First of all, it's a Continuous Spell wich are weak to s/t removal. Next: you must not control any monsters to activate this card. If you do activate it you are burning 2 cards to get some sort of field control.(CoTM and a monster). Basically you are giving up some hand advantage for swarming the field. If your opponent had a way of dealing it, it can cripple you.
Gem Hunter
It's also a horrible topdeck..

If you are going to run this, wich is a must in a zombiedeck imo, you better throw in that Despair from the Dark.

Your brain might be broken but this card certainly ain't
^your brain is broken too..
<< Anonymous
If you're referring to me then no as someone else already stated its a awful top deck and is really only good early game and that's assuming you have a good hand
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
sjp91 your rottenness knows no bounds. you are quick to criticize others. you're worse then Player J
<< Anonymous
Ever heard of a joke?if I wanted to if truly criticise this guy I could have been a much bigger 🔥 about it case in point I said his brain might(that's not even definite)broken because calling this card is silly I'm only "rotten" because I'm blunt.
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
hey sjp, did you know that there is a space between punctuation and the next word?
<< Anonymous
<< Anonymous
sjp91(the real one)
I was typing on a mobile so it's not like grammar was my biggest priority at this time I would also like to remind you that this conversation is about duel links not grammar so don't change the subject and keep the discussion related to duel links stuff otherwise consider this conversation over.
<< Anonymous(sjp91(the real one))
Sjp91 more real
I don't need to 🔥 I'll type the way I want to type it's not my fault I'm a 🔥 an won't listen to people
<< Anonymous(sjp91(the real one))
Maybe if your brain wasnt broken you would be able to learn. Not being a 🔥 though, just being blunt. Those two are mutually exclusive btw.
<< Anonymous(Sjp91 more real)
sjp91(the real one)
Your attempts to imitate me are amusing but for the op's sake let's go back to the topic at hand shall we? If not then go take this issue about grammar somewhere else since game a is not the place to discuss such things.
<< Anonymous
sjp91(the real one)
No they are not it is possible t9to be blunt without being a 🔥 I would however like to know why my (essentially a random person) grammar is giving you so much stress or do you simply use time non productively either way as stated before game a is not the place for such discussions and I'm sure the op could care less either.
<< Anonymous(sjp91(the real one))
I'm not the dude imitating you fwiw. Just giving you a free grammar lesson!
<< Anonymous
sjp91(the real one)
No you are just merely looking for excuses to bait me into an argument (ie:trolling)since grammar is not what the op was talking about and because you are unwilling to go back to the original subject consider this conversation over.
<< Anonymous(sjp91(the real one))
Lern propre gram dumas an use ....... bettr
<< Anonymous(sjp91(the real one))
No I'm literally telling you that there is a space between punctuation and the next word. You're chosing to get into an "argument" by getting upset.
<< Anonymous
Ya dunbazz
<< Anonymous
sjp91(the real one)
No you started this by going off at me about me being quick to criticise others after I explained myself you changed the subject to grammar for no particular reason whatsoever. You're the one who initiated this argument and I'm not upset just simply confused as to why you are so persistent about such a thing if you want to teach grammar do it in a classroom not on random websites
<< Anonymous(sjp91(the real one))
Everyone calls you out about spacing punctuation and you refuse to listen just stop aguing and do it
<< Anonymous
sjp91(the real one)
Or you could just you know not make an issue about it to begin with, I'm here to discuss subjects related to duel links not grammar so consider this nonsense over.
<< Anonymous(sjp91(the real one))
.......!!!!!!!!!!??????????..........!!!!!!!!!!??????????? !
<< Anonymous(sjp91(the real one))
Sounds like you're grtting really upset. Didn't I just tell you that this is only continuing because you're so upset? Just don't be an idiot and learn some punctuation and move on!
<< Anonymous
I like the way u avoid the main subject of the argument to cover your crappy argument :) LuL
<< Anonymous(observer)
<< Anonymous(observer)
I like that you're a 🔥
<< Anonymous
Cheese is better than Hawaii five done bigger. Take your eggs back and scramble them.
<< Anonymous
That space after puctuation-man is often appeared from now where on this web, a coward who hiding behind anonymous name
<< Anonymous
Anonymous coward I'd just like to remind that only boorish animals like yourself only care about minor grammar issues and also most civil people don't converse with each other the way you do,please try to stay awake during your "remedial" etiquette classes.


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