
PvP Best Decks & Tier List [Mar 15]

Duel links pro
The gamea tier list actually follows the ladder and duel links format where duel links meta tier list is just the best of 3 format gamea wins here we need the kc cup and worlds tier list not best of 3 side deck b*******
There is actually no reason for a ladder tierlist because you can reach kog with basicially any deck and this whole format is not competitive.
yeah, the problem with DLM tier list is that it is determined by their own tournament, hence why the tier list changes often, as it is based on which deck just happens to win the tournament at the time, instead of what is actually meta in Duel Links.
<< Anonymous
A tierlist is only useful for competitive parts of games and the kog ladder is not even a bit competitive


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Why are you gae?
Party on my yacht tomorrow. No poor people allowed. Suck it, losers!
I do. And I have an IQ of -160 V
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