I agree with this but just official ones like duelist kingdom kaiba for example not just random costumes so it spans the shows character development in terms of costumes
Or updated character art. Seriously, why is Joey/Yugi/Tea in their school outfits? Also, being able to customize board/cars sleeves for each individual character would be nice as well.
They're in their school outfit because that's what they are wearing for like 95% of the anime and manga series
Like seriously, do you even remember anything else they are wearing? Other than the clothing Tea used during her date with Yugi, I can't remember anything else
Joey wore a dog costume after he lost to Duke Devlin and Pegasus had a stereotypical excavator outfit or whatever it’s called. And Chazz wasn’t in a white uniform after he was manipulated to Sartorius? Or when it was Duel festival where the students shows up in monster costumes (exept for Jaden, cuz dafuq was he trying to look like lol). So it’s a possibility that it’d work
Japan is not making money off console games. There is a flux in playing games on a cell phone. Because of this he memory of budget phones has steadily been increasing. I do not feel this is a long term issue and I feel that they should not hold back because of shoulda coulda woulda from a small percentage of players.
And to add to that, yes it is a smaller percent bc a lot of people fall in the category of being financially okay or they live with mommy and thus can blow money here and there this they get by with splurging outside their means. Not a lot fall in that grey area of just being poor and having bills and having a budget phone. I have a budget phone and run DL just fine bc I budgeted for more memomory