
Elemental HERO Solid Soldier

Masked Hero Dian (UR main box) or Stratos/Shadow Mist (GX Chronicles Event) incoming?!
Lovely Aster
I don't know when those cards might be released. The closest thing to another new hero I heard about besides this is that they recently listed prisma being found in the game files on one of the other duel links sites. If it is true, I don't know if it would be AI controlled only or a GX chronicles reward.
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
How can you use Prisma with SS?! SS is used with Stratos or SM because they extend their combos (Mist ads a change and Stratos searches or destroys backrow)?
<< Anonymous(Someone)
Untill Absolute Zero and The Shinning or even XyZ cards are released, he will be a 50-50 card. That s my opinion (maybe there are other combos).
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
And Prisma is in the files for almost 2 years by now. Why on earth wasn t released since Gx world. At least with him E heroes would not had been that garbage.
<< Anonymous(Someone)
Lovely Aster
I don't really get it. There was someone on a message board who also mentioned that prisma was already there for awhile, so I don't know why they would list it either. It wasn't listed with the box cards. I wish we could have it, though. I want the rest of the e-hero stuff along with miracle fusion and the phoenix enforcers. And Dandylion.
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
Doubt we will get more than 1 copy of Absolute Zero, Shinning and Stratos. Zero is literally a field nuke and Stratos at 3 is too much. I would love to have Dark Law, but basically he is a big "f*** you" for searchers and graveyard effects.
<< Anonymous(Someone)
Dark Law as well*
<< Anonymous(Someone)
Dark law won't come in duelink, same for mask change 2. It's going to make destiny heroes even more broken than what they already are. A tier 0 deck. Completely shuts down, spellbook/vampire/furies to some extent/even amazoness/mermail/sea attack.
<< Anonymous
Jaden has lines for Dark Law and MC2 (probably for CPU only). But you are right, highly doubt they would give us Dark Law.
<< Anonymous(Someone)
Mask Change 2 doesn't make OTK. It should be R if it get released. And you have to discard one card.
<< Anonymous
R?! Are you joking??!! That's true that in DL the hand is 4 cards and dosen t make the otk, but MC2 works with non heroes. Imagine you re opponent has a Dark monster with high attack and you have a monster, econ, mc 2 and a random card. Use Econ, take the monster, activate MC 2 and make Dark Law.
<< Anonymous(Someone)
Highly doubt that you will use this combo unless you have some backrow to protect yourself, but MC2 should not be a R card (I could possibly see it as an UR in a main box), but if they would ever release all the MH and increase the extra deck, MC2 will literally be busted. There's a reason why MC 2, Shadow Mist and a hero lives are limited in the OCG (and because Stratos is at 2).
<< Anonymous(Someone)
It should be R, but NOT because it is not busted. In fact it's the contrary, it's very busted. Making it R means Konami can hit it in DL anytime they want, after they got enough profit from the box it is in.
<< Anonymous
if its an event card they can hit it
<< Anonymous
Don't want to sound like a dick, but what you say is also true, but that didn't stop them to hit TTH which is a SR in a mini box (still, what where they thinking when they put this card in DL -but still a SR-), so now the SR's and even the UR's are not safe for hitting the banlist.
<< Anonymous(Someone)
SR and UR from minibox aren't safe, but I don't think konami is brave enough to hit SR or UR from main box. After all, even in tcg konami doesn't even limit or ban sky-striker engage even though it is so busted just because it is short-printed and really expensive.
<< Anonymous
Yeah, it's not like the shortprinted Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier and Nekroz of Brionac were limited for a long time or anything. ;p

Skystriker's still just too new to hit in the TCG. (Which, incidentally, is really not a problem Masked HEROes have in Duel Links. They're probably the longest-lived top-tier deck at this point. Nobody would be pissed at Konami for nerfing them at this point.
<< Anonymous
Lovely Aster
I've played it for so long now that even I'll admit that it won't feel like the end of the world when they do whatever it is they have planned for the list for the heroes. I've already got other options worked out.
Dark Law is coming along with shadow mist in the next main box
<< Anonymous
That's what I read before Wariors United was leaked man .-.


Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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