I don't remember what the name of this card is. From what I remember about its effect, it allows you to banish a Spell Card from your Graveyard to search another copy of that card.
Jack Atlas
Naturia Beetle | Deck and Rulings
Neos Space Connector
Galaxy Cyclone
Signer Dragon | Related to Archetypes
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Mark of the Dragon - Wings (Skill)
Dark Magician: deck recipe [Mar 23]
Blue-Eyes: deck recipe [Mar 8]
Harpie: Deck Recipe [Mar 24]
Pendulum: deck recipe [Mar 24]
Dual Avatar: deck recipe
Number 70: Malevolent Sin | Duel Links & Master Duel
Thousand-Eyes Restrict | Decks and Ruling
Ice Dragon's Prison
Magician's Rod | Decks and Tips
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak | Decks and Ruling