I got 50 Gems from moving towards Gold Rank 1. Any info of the prizes up there more? and what you get when you reach King of Games?
Answer List
Last table on the page, funny how the other comments were just arguing instead of giving an answer
You know you could've just answered o.p.'s question if you actually knew the answer. That way you wouldn't have to pretend you're way better than him/her at this game. Instead, you complain that he/she is lazy and give them a vague answer that they probably already knew. There is no need to get so upset about someone asking this question; the answer to this question doesn't affect how anyone plays the game.
question* ... but maybe you were too lazy to type the "s".
Hah? You know what, you can answer almost all this question in this board by just going on with the game, it will answer itself once you went a lil more, the one who ask stupid quetion here is either lazy ass motherfcker or just want to try this game for a while, btw here's the answer >>> More gems and New Icon to Showoff