Yet we're "limited" to one, even though D-heroes are so 🔥 right now a proper deck doesnt even exist. Hell, destiny counter would have made a much better lv reward then pretty much anything we got
D - Counter is garbage. Super Rush and Widespread Ruin are just straight better cards.
The only major Destiny HERO card we lack is Dystopia, which I wouldn't expect to see in Duel Links for a long, long time due to its burn effect. (1600 LP is a LOT in a 4k LP format, especially when it's basically free.)
What else do you even want? Dreadmaster sucks, Dusktopia's OK at best. I guess Dynatag?
Destiny End Dragoon's also obviously not happening, so there's that, too. Defender's not great in Destiny HEROes (and really shouldn't come here), D - Shield's OK I guess. There really isn't anything. Vision HERO Adoration'd probably do more for Destiny HEROes than anything that's actually part of their archetype that would be viable to release here.
Aster has voicelines for all of those cards. But that doesn't mean that they will give them to us. I'm scared that Zane is gonna come with a bunch of cool cyber dragon stuff and 🔥 Aster with them, and then RIP d-heroes. If we could at least get dragoon...