
Spunky Jaden Event

Lovely Aster
Jaden, you tease. Xd
Yeah, it IS kind of strange we haven't seen Prisma yet. It's a decent card, but not overpowered.
Yeah, it IS kind of strange we haven't seen Prisma yet. It's a decent card, but not overpowered.
<< Anonymous(MaJuV)
At one glance, Prisma is not overpowered.

Wrath of Neos
either assault armor or backup rider

These 4 can lead to OTK.

I know it's a 4 card combo and 3 of them specific. But, we've seen people creates those SSS OTK 🔥 deck before, and I believe it's not impossible for them to create a similar deck using Prisma.

There are many ingenious people nowadays.
<< Anonymous(DrillDude)
Lovely Aster
Interesting. But I'm not afraid as long as I get the cards I want.
<< Anonymous
Lovely Aster
Okay, then they can give us an 8000 lp mode so that we can have more cards. That is a compromise for buzzkills like you who are happy with having probably less than half of the cards, I think. And how am I a guy? Just because you think so? lol
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
girl in internet sites = guy in real life
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
You see some guy uses girly name.
<< Anonymous
guy in internet sites who is desperate to believe that girls never use internet sites = 🔥 guy in real life
<< Anonymous
girls = fuking noob especially in games which need brain to play
<< Anonymous
It looks like I made the 🔥 guy mad.
<< Anonymous
valencia huh? lol
<< Anonymous
And how am I a guy? Just because you think so? lol
<< Anonymous
Because you said so when you said you think girls don't use internet sites. Now go get laid. You need it.


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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