
Upcoming events/updates [June 2020]

Fantastic, more useless characters. No one asked for whoever that is, and I swear if it's Tea, I'm gonna punch someone. I really hope it's Bakura or Devlin. Because I know for a fact it's not Aigami, which is who we really want.
DJ Sterf
I second this. Plus, we have neither normal Bakura nor Duke Devlin in the game, really hoping they switch it up.
They're saving Aigami til the end along with Yami Yugi. You really think they'll blow their load early? Best for last, also screw you, DSOD Tea is better looking than her original self.
Prepare to punch someone then.

1. The hint is something Tea once say
2. The Japanese version of the hint explicitly uses female speech pattern

It's Tea
Carlos Yugo
Could be Tristan.
<< Anonymous
If indeed it IS Tea Gardner (DSOD), I hope she has Dark Magician Girl (DSOD) and a skill that helps out the Magician Girls.
<< Anonymous
She really does look good in DSOD.

Butthurt Kaiba can't just live with the fact Atem will always defeat him and has to disturb his afterlife...
<< Anonymous
hell yeah. I loved Tea's redesign in DSOD. Would much rather her than Bakura, and esp more than Duke
I agree with you with the first part but not the second. I seriously hate Aigami, is just a Gary-stued foil of the Ishtars.


Comments (updated every hour)

Never mind just tested it out myself and it is after the attack reduction.
I feel sorry for people who didn't log in during this collab's period, because this wil...
Finally, Spectre is coming to DL
I wish they release the Sky Striker art version of this card in DL...
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