Purgatrio, black wings and now this wtf is konami thinking we have to many otks going around there is no interaction in this game anymore with 4000 lp u either win or lose turn 2
People commenting on this post have clearly not read the card's second effect. After popping two spell/traps, you can send 2 cards from the deck to get 3 attacks. So attack the face up/down monster (if present) then attack twice more for 4200 damage. This card is broken
And you clearly don't understand the meta. This card has only 2100 ATK. Every single meta deck can bring out monsters with more than 2100 ATK in their first turn. So you need further setup to do an OTK.
Just because every deck can bring out a 2100 attacker doesn't mean it always will. By that logic, a Canadia or floodgate deals with most cards, so let's introduce any card to duel links and justify it by saying all you need is Canadia and floodgate to counter which everyone seems to have nowadays.