
King of Game decks [December 2020]

Mtoutex how many duels did you need to do to reach KoG with Golden Stromberg?
102. But I did try some other decks that didn't work out before this one... I would say 80.
It was easy until leg5, but the 5 victories in a row were rough.
<< Anonymous(Mtoutex)
thanks for replying.
I'm always interested in underestimated decks, including Stromberg.
Congratulations for reaching KoG!
<< Anonymous
I love those decks and to play them in a non classical way. My goal is to give ideas to other ways to play the deck ;) I would say I had a 66-80% winrate when I played it in legend (4 and 5th of december). Just... Impossible to pass those 5 games in a row >:o
do you include great maju?
<< Anonymous
Sure :)
<< Anonymous
of course he runs Maju, that's the ace of Stromberg decks, isn't it?
<< Anonymous
Real ace is Wheeldler... but yes it’s awfully good
<< Anonymous(Mtoutex)
I'm interested in that deck but I have only 1 copy of the level 3 tuner. Do you have any suggestion of card to use instead of the other copies?
(Sorry for my english, that's not my main language)
<< Anonymous
wheeldler's absence will make te deck way less efficient. But Cockadoodledoo is a good one, why not. You can play Sangan to have it in hand after its destroyed too, but it's very slow. there is versions with red resonator to, that allows you to summon prinssezin if you want to play synchro 5 and 6. But with them you can't play barkion that need Earth material.
<< Anonymous
but with the resonator you can play horse prince that allows you to play your Maju directly from your deck, that is a cool tech, but it often fails in the actual meta
<< Anonymous(Mtoutex)
Mah boi
Horse prince?
<< Anonymous(Mah boi)
Brotherhood of thé fire fist : horse prince.
<< Anonymous(Mtoutex)
<< Anonymous
awesome artwork


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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