
Hey, Trunade!

Marvel Disney guy only know how to talk big but finished badly in KCGT, probably did not even pass the 1st stage. You cannot win even with your money. Put your ID here if you dare to accept duel challenge.
<< Anonymous(bring eet)
It says duelist not found error.
<< Anonymous
Sorry, I can't be added by people who don't have money.
<< Anonymous
I do have money. You're just a troll.
<< Anonymous
No, you just cannot be added by people who can beat you. What a coward. Keep bullshhiting here. You are just a sore loser.
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster
What is this BS thread? "I can't be added by people without money" and now "I can't be added by people who would lose to me" Konami doesn't have friend list requirements like that, dumba$$. You're not a real p2w or even a duelist at all, just pretending to be a stereotype of the former. Even this site deleted your "ID" because it's fake.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Yeah, that marvel guy is a fckin loser. He is just bluffing with his noob BE deck.
<< Anonymous
Dear fookin marvel guy, do you know how many people here are waiting to beat a noob like you? Keep avoiding challenge and hide up like a coward loser.
<< Anonymous
Marvel-Disney fan
An elite like me don't use a deck as cheap as BE.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Admit it, a coward loser like you can only afford BE. Your deck is just a laughing stock & that's why you kept hiding. You don't call yourself elite for failing to pass KCGT 1st stage.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
People who are actually elite don't have to call themselves elite on the internet you pathetic loser
<< Anonymous(Jojojajojojoo)
Marvel-Disney fan
What happened to you lowly F2Ps?

Did you get your butt kicked by me on your way to 200 free Gems KoG again?

Run away from me F2P!
Keep running away from me forever!
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Marvel-Disney fan
Disregard that I suck c0cks.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Everyone loves sucking c0cks, right? Right? rIgHt???
<< Anonymous
Right! I mean... Who doesn't?!
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Either accept the duel like a true duelist or forever be banish to the shadow realm for eternity like a coward.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Marvel-Sore Loser
Yeah, you are not even KoG. A sore loser won't even dare to reveal his own account with 5 gold ranks from past 5 seasons.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Sore Loser)
Marvel-Disney fan
I KoG so often that it's not funny any more.

And why are you still disrespecting Stan Lees's legacy?

Tony Stark gave up his life to save you and your whole family. Steve Rogers gave up his happiness to save the world.

Don't you dare keep badmouthing Marvel super heroes.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Marvel-Disney fan
Disregard that I suck c0cks.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
LoL. I knew it.

Your role model is Tony Start and Steve Rogers.

You like to "suck c0cks".

It means both Tony Stark and Steve Rogers like to "suck c0cks".
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Marvel-Sore Loser
Tony Stark is a 🔥 addict. Now give more drugs to your son to save the world.

The word Marvel is a coward loser. MOFO will be the best word link to it.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
All bark but no bite like a dog you are...
<< Anonymous
Why are the poor people so 🔥 at Marvel-Disney fan? He just telling you guys how it is.
<< Anonymous
Poor = trunade
Trunade = meta
Meta = onomat
Onomat = 3 zubabacho
3 zubabancho = 3 structure
3 structure = Cash only deck

Poor = cash only deck

<< Anonymous
Price of removals:
Night Beam, MST, insert UR.. : 9000 gems each
Trunade : 5000 gems each, or 2500 with discount.

Trunade is so not cheaper.
<< Anonymous
Marvel-Sore Loser
People don't hate his comment but his cowardly attitute. He is just sore loser who afraid to face us f2p in duels. Anyway, people are all suspecting that he is not a p2w, he is just a noob using free BE deck and pretend like a p2w.
<< Anonymous
Trunade is free with SR dream ticket. Everyone picked free Trunade, there is no better card to pick.

Night Beam, MST, Cyclones will not cost you 9000 gems each unless you are seriously unlucky. I got 3 copies for 11000 gems, many people got those UR cards after spending just 4000-7000 gems and proceed to reset the box.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Sore Loser)
What would he gain by dueling a f2p? That’s like a dude with a Ferrari driving by a homeless person and the homeless person wants to fight because he thinks he’s stronger than the Ferrari owner.
<< Anonymous
Hey fcker stop pretending to be p2w or ferrari owner. You are just a coward sore loser. Keep talking coc there, your mom will pay for your sin for bluffing.
<< Anonymous
See and poor people have no logic or comprehension skills I’m not pretending to be anything you just made your own random assumptions about me I’m not the marvel guy I just know he’s right
<< Anonymous
^ Disregard that I suck c0cks.


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