
13th Mini Box: Empire of Scarlet

They realized after Machine Angels that Tier 0 decks are too easy too make without spending a lot in boxes... So now, we have trash rewards. Then, they realized after Sylvans and Fur Hir that Tier 0 decks are too easy to make with Mini box... So they stop giving us too many gems, raised the price of "sales" and increased the number of cards in mini boxes... Thank you F2P players.
Don't blame F2P players, blame meta slaves, both F2P and P2W players buy these decks
Dr. Deflorate
You're welcome, lad.
Thats exactly what happened.
I only invested with sylvans for farming, and they farmed brilliantly.

Now its harder to farm events :(
Oh well, I have SSA
F2p players on this community are the worst, they don't spend any dime yet complain the most and 80% of them playing same deck. These f2p are the reason gems get nerfed and Duel Links dying. Thank you f2p.
<< Anonymous
Konami makes an insane amount off this game. They are raking in a ton. The idea that F2P players need to contribute is ludicrous.

Second, Konami released Fur Hire and put it in the minibox. Fur hire is literally the best deck right now and it's easy and cheap to get. Why would you fault F2P players for wanting to spend their finite gems on a deck that will help them win?
It's Konami's fault that they released overpowered decks in a format that encourages OTKs. The Speed Duel format is heavily flawed and it allowed crap like Bamboo Burn Decks to be viable thanks to smaller deck and lower life points. Decks like Fur Hire are overpowered because of the format. The solution to this would be to revise the format or avoid introducing cards that break the format.
I spent a lot of money to make a deck and they Nerf 3 of the cards to two of one type and waste of 100+ dollars. Done spending money and racking up gems for the next best deck to come out.
<< Anonymous
I know. A lot of people will angry if Komoney start to nerf card from box since lot of player spend money on box.
<< Anonymous
I spent a lot of money on my first account and i guess i didn't make an account to save for android to ios device. So hundreds of dollars down the drain. decided to do sylvans, spent cash to get the cards needed on new account to have it nerfed hard a week later. GG
You have it exactly backwards. If it wasn’t for all the P2W people that Konami knows will continue to pay all their money to keep up with meta, they would have to lower prices to keep people buying. Less gems just makes it more likely P2W player will spend money without thinking.
<< Anonymous
bottom line is that f2p are greedy ppl that wanna be best without paying and only know take not give, and p2p players are meta deck slaves that trow in cash like a fool and greedy and not let f2p have a chance to breathe, both are criminals
Blame konami. some of us act like we dont, but we know darn well konami does not play test cards. they dont have some sophisticated software that simulates thousands of duels with cards in duel links. AS THEY SHOULD. the f2p as well as the p2p are the guinea pigs. then when a deck becomes too popular they limit its engine and further punish the f2p
<< Anonymous
I think the majority of f2p players dont spend money simply because they realize the cards are poor quality. the only reason i dont pay money is because gambling on a box with over 600 cards in it is absurd. and on top of it only 10 cards per box are even viable for pvp. let alone farming. so i refuse to spend money on cheap boxes that are stuffed with incomplete archetypes and trash fluff cards
<< Anonymous
that it true. pay to play players already have the intention on spending money. and they are Konami's target audience. even though i guarentee you that the f2p are the only reason the game stays populated in the first place. if they gave out as many gems per event as they give brand new players for the first few stages of the game then that would be helpful
<< Anonymous
They should have adopted the highlander format for speed dueling. 20 card minumum is too low for a format that allows 3 copies of everything. they would just have to add more strategic searchers, millers etc so that way you aren't COMPLETELY relying on drawing into combo pieces and etc. but highlander is the way to go for duel links
<< Anonymous(Sourpuss)
Mr Sourpuss sir,I think fast dueling is the right direction for DL, they just need to get rid of those really 🔥 cards(Treahe*cough! Tr*ahem!! Hol*cough! *cough!!)(Amaz*cough! OnSl*cough! *Ahem!!) as I was saying, get rid of these 🔥 cards and these evil players that love these cards can finally be locked behind bars
<< Anonymous
don't tell the truth
^ don't do that, they will rage and come for you just watch
<< Anonymous(Sourpuss)
Would be amusing to see Ranked duel gets another special setting for a month, like back then with the 5000 LP thing, except this time instead of 5000 LP, all players in Ranked can only have 1 copy of each card in their Deck.
<< Anonymous
^ dumbass that would be like limiting every card to one, and ppl that used money or gems to get 3 copies get screwed on, konami have balls but to do that is 🔥
<< Anonymous
I said for a month. Not forever.
<< Anonymous
What r u even playing? Passive Destiny draw Yu-Gi-Oh? 1 card for every situation lol


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