Gee Konami I sure wish I could run this in my new dark magician skill. I literally can only use it in a mirror match and that is assuming they have a level6 spellcaster dark in there
Because of the magicians magic skill forced the deck only be able to SS dark level 6 spellcasters on opponents and turn and can’t specially from opponents graveyard unless it is a dark spellcaster on my turn as well. A skill shouldn’t force a deck out of using the limit 3 traps. It’s 🔥ing 🔥ed.
Than that should be the same for roaring soul with red reign. This deck should not be able to run this card along with all meknight engines and 🔥. Dimension conjured is ok but sometimes I draw cards I would like to keep only for the cards to go back to my deck because of the spellcaster on my field. It’s fuming garnet so 🔥 the f u c k up idiot.
It’s more than a L dude this deck is forced out of any kind of protection and if forced to not run it’s better dark magician cards for a chance to draw random staples and hope to win. You are stupid if you think this helps dm…