
Cyber Harpie Lady | Decks and Ruling

WHY they Edit the real art of hapie is so stupid, they take away her sexyness and coolness.
If you switch to japanese its regualar art but hope you can read their language
She’s wielding an electro-whip, wearing iconic armor, she has a powerful stance, and she now holds the spot of highest ATK for winged beasts in this game -but she lacks “coolness” because, what? Her armor lacks nipple spears? You’re a sexist and an idiot. She’s awesome. (And seriously? She’s still really sexual, edits aside, like her armor accentuates her breasts and figure, stop complaining).
Stop jerking the gerking to a harpy everyone knows that fapping to dragons (master race) is the way to 🔥
<< Anonymous
Calm down Seto
<< Anonymous
Hell yeah dragons!
<< Anonymous
Alex Jones
soyboy sjw hambeast


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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