
Samurai Destroyer

This card is way to OP. It keeps destroying my Yubel Terror Incarnate form. Even in defense position. I can't even activate Sphere Kuriboh's effect to stop it. Not to mention when destroyed by a card effect it can special summon a machine monster in the graveyard. It should be a different monster than itself. Is there a way to stop this card. I want this card "BANNED' in duel links. It's too powerful.
This card is not OP at all. There are several cards that are much stronger than this.
This card will not be banned. You should just stop playing that annoying Yubel.
<< Anonymous
But like the other guy, I'm F2P and it took me so much time to farm and get cards for my Yubel deck. If they really want us to switch deck then they should refund all Yubel players who wants to switch.
<< Anonymous
Lol no
<< Anonymous
Yubel decks are very cheap
<< Anonymous
F2p Player A have 20k gems and spent them on Nephthys & Fire King.
F2p Player B have 20k gems and spent them on Samurai Destroyer & other competitive decks.

Many players here are f2p and that is why you should not simply waste your gems on a non-competitive deck. Spent your gems smart and buy the Soul of Resurrection box for example. You will get a whole set of Shiranui.
<< Anonymous
Neither me nor my F2P friends had ever come close to 20k gems. From the way you talk you are clearly P2W.
This game punishes you for not having a single staple card and those can only be found in completely unrelated boxes. Those boxes that only have useless cards except for the 1 staple card you need.
<< Anonymous
20k isn't that much to grind. Just level up your duelists and play the events and you can reach 20k within a few months.
<< Anonymous
Contrary to many people who have an easy life I can't afford to spend 20/24h farming in a video game. And the few times I play I get my butt kicked hard by others because they activate an unfair and expensive card I don't have; and this happens even though I have been dominating the whole match skill wise.
This game ends up being a P2W g@rb@ge that doesn't respect good players.
<< Anonymous
1h per day is more than enough. But keep blaming others. Thats a great attitude
<< Anonymous
I agree with the previous dude. I only get 12-16 gems in 1st hour a day without doing PvP and events.
Events instead of directly giving gems they give consumables as rewards for 2-3h farming. You then use those consumables to MAYBE get gems for 1-2 hours.
For PvP you must win to get gems as rewards, if like in the previous comment you only have weak cards you will lose against a simple WoD
<< Anonymous
That's why you should do PvP and Events within this hour. And trade some vagabounds to get more EXP and level up faster.
<< Anonymous
Those F2P guys are doing something wrong. I went to 9999 gems quite a few times and I am 100% F2P. And I usually just do a few auto duels through the day and only grind a bit at the weekends.
<< Anonymous
To farm through Events it will take a total of 5h average, which means 5 days if I do 1h/day.
You cannot play PvP events if your have no counter whatsoever against a single WoD. Cards that counters unfair spell/trap like those are too expensive. And to obtain them I need either gems or money. So for now I auto lose if I play against 1 WoD. I only have 1 Trap Master to MAYBE destroy it.
<< Anonymous
Yeah, PvP is not very F2P friendly if you're a beginner. But if you play for a few months you're able to get some stables. And you can trade your Dream Tickets for stuff like Cosmic Cyclone. This game is hard for F2P but you can even reach KoG if you're investing your few resources wisely.
But if you cannot negate WoD you have to play around it. It's not such a good card.
<< Anonymous
The only way for me to play around it is by eating it head on. Usually when I take the WoD 1 time my LP becomes zero. So cannot do anything about that without an expensive card like Cosmic Cyclone that everyone else has. Unless I use money that is.

How can you still say that the game is not P2W if 1 WoD = Life Point to zero.
<< Anonymous
Maybe you just suck at this game. You definitely sound like a noob. Go play some other games instead.
<< Anonymous
To be fair, this game does really punish F2P if you're doing some bad investments. It's a F2P game but it's very challenging if you actually stay F2P. Yes, it's possible to reach KoG as a F2P but you need a lot of time and you have to invest every single gem wisely.
<< Anonymous
Even if you invest wisely you will always have an unfair handicap compared to P2W. I think this game is P2W because Before I created my account, a P2W friend who got me into Duel Links lent me his, and I was easily reaching KoG with the few knowledge of TCG I had. I was using Shirainui Grass and Invoker and I was surprised that I didn't lose more than 1/3 times. Being skilled is not important.
<< Anonymous
Not really. Some decks practically autopilot themselves, but there are also decks or moments that require skill to navigate.
<< Anonymous
Well, I think this game doesn't require skills up to KoG that is. When you do championships you will also be required to know the details of your opponent's deck. To know that you will have to play a few times with them. To do that you will eventually need to also buy those cards. In the end it comes down to your ability to finance your gaming career.
<< Anonymous
Hmm.....okay, I agree with that.
Concerning the initial question, Super Rush Headlong can protect your monster for 1 turn. Otherwise Chaos Sorceror is super easy to SS and can banish Samurai Destroyer.
<< Anonymous
You're just a 3rd rate duelist with a 4rth rate deck
This card is indeed way too overpowered. It needs a limit not because of itself, but for making decks that are too overpowered practically invincible. It gives them ways out of situations they absolutely would have 0 outs to if they didn’t have access to this card. So it needs a limit so the overpowered decks with limited cards properly lose when faced with a situation that shuts them down.
<< Anonymous
Can you give us an example? What deck is close to invincible just by summoning this card?
<< Anonymous
Lightsperg “Engine” decks. Faced by hard deniers of their monsters, like cars effects that negate light and dark monsters, then put this on the board and everything crumbles apart. It’s so 🔥ing unfair.
<< Anonymous
"I'm being unfair to my opponent, it's dumb that they can "be unfair" back to me, waaaaaa"
<< Anonymous
"all decks that beat me are unfair and OP ban them, oh but the decks I always beat are balanced and perfect for the game"
<< Anonymous
Low IQ response. I’m being fair, they deserve to face deniers of the two most used monster attributes for using them knowing the negates are common. They are NOT supposed to come back from an empty field to a broken card that isn’t light or even dark. They had their backs to the wall, weren’t supposed to come back from a hard dent.


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