
King of Game decks [June 2021]

I can't understand why I don't see some strong deck anymore, like dragunity or ritual beasts. I mean, the can easily reach Kog, but META players use only can cer deck.
If they back will you complaining?
<< Anonymous
Dragunity is a 🔥 deck. Basically 1 single Senatus can summon Ascalon on itself then Ascalon effect is extremely broken with unlimited activation per turn. It is basically a Maximus 2.0 and that card is currently a limit 1. Sorry I don't miss this can cer.
Glass cannon OTK deck has its own player, but not as much of those who use OTK meta.
Take resonator for example. It has a lot of feature that missing from other OTK deck.
<< Anonymous
In order to stop OTK, go ahead and release Ash Blossom. I will definitely buy 3 from the selection box Vol.5
I also didn't saw any dragunity after the buff. I hate that deck so for me is fine but I think is pretty strong, I thought I would see a lot in the KGT but no.
<< Anonymous
I saw Dragunity, but only literally once.

Still think Ascalon should get into limited 2 alongside Couse and Senatus.
<< Anonymous
I face dragunity
-He is summoning senatus
-Using its effect
-Chain it with forbidden chalice

The end
<< Anonymous
Well you could also use cosmic cyclone or any S/T removal to stop their combo. Using both monster field and S/T field mean it vulnerable to both disruption.


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Why are you gae?
Party on my yacht tomorrow. No poor people allowed. Suck it, losers!
I do. And I have an IQ of -160 V
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