
Chaos Sorcerer | Decks and Ruling

I had a Thunder Dragondark and a Thunder Dragonmatrix in my GY and I was unable to banish then to special summon Chaos Sorverer. What's going on with that?
Did your opponent have Necrovalley up? You can’t banish cards while it’s on the field to summon Sorcerer
<< Anonymous
Kycoo & Chaos Hunter blocks banish too
Card Ejector does banish too. Don't forget
<< Anonymous
what Card Ejector has to do with the topic, though? She banish a card as her effect, the OP wants to banish cards to summon Chaos Sorcerer.

And Necrovalley, Kycoo, and Chaos Hunter are cards that BLOCKS banishing.
I’ve been having the same problem, and I think it is a bug. I was dueling a Carly ai, so no banish negation was in play.
<< Anonymous
Did any of you use Hundred Thunders on the same turn you try to summon Chaos Sorcerer


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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