I agree with the guy above.. is very necessary you have 3 anceticism and 3 wield
Anceticism is your second dojo it is very powerful, if have Kageki, u can search for Fuma, if you have Kageki and another six u can search for Enishi, if you have Kizan, use the skill than search for Kizaru, if you have Fuma and Kageki, use skill and search for Kagemusha, if u have Kagemusha, search for Legendary
Wield is very necessary 3 copy. it can auto win for you, the objetcitve in my list is Guaranted 100% Shien in firsturn + Wield or Enishi, so probably you will win with this combination
the deck list image:
u need open crusarder battleground, is necessary u have Kizaru and 1 Rihan for scape from floodgate, you need more extra, selection box, gigantcastle and hyper rise
Thanks for the advice. I thought having an Enishi for one less shiens dojo would be bad but asceticism does a great job making up for it. Enishi does great taking care of stronger decks like dragunity. Also kagemusha is good against shiranui.