
Fortune Lady Wind | Decks and Tips

Been screwing around with a fortune lady deck since the release and have had problems with Fortune Lady Wind's affect triggering - I normal summon her while I have a light or earth out and nothing happens, I don't have any option to destroy spell or trap cards it just goes on like I summoned a normal monster - am I missing something or is this a bug?
She has to destroy a number of spell/trap cards "equal to the number" of Fortune Lady monsters you control, not "up to the number". That means it can't activate if your opponent has less spells/traps than the number of Fortune Ladies you have.
<< Anonymous
It's basically exactly like R-Righteous Justice for Elemental Heroes.
<< Anonymous
More like a worse version of Elemental Hero Stratos’ second effect
<< Anonymous
Ohhhhh wow ok thank you that makes sense now
that's clear. beware to use her


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Why are you gae?
Party on my yacht tomorrow. No poor people allowed. Suck it, losers!
I do. And I have an IQ of -160 V
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